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Child Focused Communities of Practice

Course Description

Held monthly via Teams, this course is for frontline practitioners who work directly with children and families impacted by homelessness or family domestic violence.

A Community of Practice is defined as: “A group of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly”.

We acknowledge the hard work frontline staff undertake every day to meet the needs of children and their families. Child Focused Communities of Practice is an opportunity to network, share practice knowledge, ideas, and upskill one another.

Monthly topics vary depending on relevant issues for families and frontline workers, significant events and themes within the sector, and topics requested by frontline workers.

We encourage an environment of kindness, shared learning and growth, and we greatly appreciate the time staff set aside to share in this space with us.

We welcome feedback at or 8245 8190.

More information:
Date: Third Wednesday of each month
Time: 12.30pm-1.30pm

To join: Email to request a link

Enrolment Information

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