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Our workshop takes DOORS (Detection Overall Of Risk Screen) into Norway

The language may be different but the risks to families after separation are not, according to a recent workshop in Norway led by the Australian Institute of Social Relations. Invited to present at the annual conference of Norwegian Forensic Psychologists, Dr Claire Ralfs and Dr Jamie Lee led a two-day workshop showing how Family Law DOORS could have a place in promoting safety Norway.

Workshop participants have taken the call to action, with a post-workshop evaluation revealing that 80% of them said the training ‘very much’ increased their intention to use universal screening.

Developed by Prof Jennifer McIntosh (Family Transitions), a colleague and research partner of the Australian Institute of Social Relations, the DOORS provides a framework for identifying and responding to family-wide risks after separation. A Norwegian translation of DOOR 1 is nearing finalisation. Online training is available from the Family Law DOORS website, find the training by clicking here

To see photos from the workshop, please visit our facebook page here.