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Penelope Excellence Launches PEMS

The Penelope Excellence consulting team is very pleased to announce a new service available to organisations currently using or considering using Penelope as their Case/Client Information System!

Organisations require a unique set of skills to design, configure, implement (including training end users) and maintain a system like Penelope. We know that these skills are often difficult and expensive to recruit, manage and retain for community sector organisations. It can also be difficult to keep pace with constant system enhancements and understand how they can be best applied in your own environment.

For organisations that want to use Penelope to its full potential but have limited resources, we recommend Penelope Excellence Managed Service (PEMS) arrangements. A PEMS arrangement provides your organisation with access to the right skills scaled to your organisation’s needs at a particular time, allowing you to focus precious internal resources on business development and service delivery.

The Penelope Excellence Managed Service provides the following benefits:

  • A cost effective alternative to establishing and maintaining a skilled Penelope business analysis and support team
  • Continuity and access to a team of highly skilled Penelope specialists who have a deep knowledge of your organisation’s requirements and configuration
  • Assistance to ensure your organisation realises the benefits from your investment in Penelope maintenance and to implement new features and product enhancements as they become available
  • Access to quality project management and change management practices, processes and experience gained from implementing and supporting Penelope for many years
  • Close integration with the Athena support and development teams, meaning that application issues are investigated and resolved efficiently
  • Access to resources for ongoing configuration changes and requirements

A Penelope Excellence Managed Service arrangement can provide you with access to the following services:

  • Initial implementation and major version upgrade support: Available bi-annually, this service includes ensuring a strong understanding your business requirements and configuring Penelope to meet those business requirements for your services (including testing and refinements)
  • Penelope Online End User Training : Ensure all your users are consistently trained in how to use Penelope.
  • Application services: Ensure that Penelope is kept current and that minor upgrade new product features are introduced and implemented quickly. Access to advanced application services to develop documents, automated workflows, configuration changes and testing management.
  • Reporting services: Access to the Penelope Excellence Reporting Suite along with any upgrades to this suite annually plus development of reports within Penelope or using the ODBC connection facilities.
  • 1st level support: The Penelope Excellence Managed Service team will act as your organisation’s primary point of contact for Penelope support requirements, taking responsibility for liaising with Athena Software to respond to and resolve issues.
  • Penelope infrastructure management: Full management of your Penelope infrastructure environment including applying version upgrades and copying production data to test.

For more information about this service, please contact Sandra Vallance (Director, Penelope Excellence) via