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Our Work

The Australian Institute of Social Relations is at the leading edge of innovative resource development for community service practice.

We are highly experienced in the delivery of face to face and online training. We have developed a wide range of courses and learning resources for community and human services and the family law sector. These include nationally recognised qualifications, self-paced materials and shorter programs aligned to national competencies. Often these courses and resources are in partnership with governments, universities and other agencies.

We provide an end to end service, from conceiving a training course and resources to delivering it. Drawing on our highly skilled in house capabilities in training design and delivery, online learning, video production, photography, writing, graphic design, website development, and promotion. We use co-design techniques in all of our projects.

As the training arm of Relationships Australia SA, we are highly influenced by the service delivery and often draw on our practitioners in the development of training. Relationships Australia SA invests in research and evaluation to ensure that what we deliver is best practice and cost-effective.

Our training is compliant with the highest standards and we ensure that the user experience is at the centre of our courses and resources.

Our courses and resources include online, web and print-based materials and programs. Some are free and others are available for purchase.

Nationally Recognised Training

We deliver nationally recognised training using blended learning to reach many parts of Australia. We work in close partnership with Relationships Australia NSW, Relationships Australia WA, and Relationships Australia Tasmania to realise this.

This is our current list of nationally recognised training both face to face and online:

Online Professional Development Courses

Our suite of online professional development courses is in the areas of family and domestic violence, screening, risk and safety planning, child-focused, trauma-informed, health and gambling.

These courses are provided for professionals for free and for a fee. To date over five thousand students have accessed our online training.

All of our courses can be enrolled in by individuals or provided as a classroom for organisations to put a large group through, or organisations can host the training packages on their learning management system.

This is our current list of online learning courses:

Professional Resources

We develop and write resources, training manuals and plans to accompany the training we deliver to support facilitators and learners.

Below are some examples of our work.

square is an integrated suicide prevention educational resource and support package to assist professionals with suicide assessment, intervention and follow up. It was developed with General Practice SA in conjunction with Federal and State Governments. It is part of the National Suicide Prevention Strategy and was jointly funded by the Australian Government and the Government of South Australia.

Family Law DOORS E-Handbook (McIntosh 2012), now known as Family DOORS. This handbook provides an in-depth understanding of how the Family DOORS works and its importance to the practitioner’s work. It includes a training plan.

AVERT Family Violence Facilitator’s Manual – This manual forms part of the AVERT Family Violence training package.

A Fair Share is a training resource for family mediators helping people negotiate property settlements. The resource includes a booklet and DVD, both of which are available from our online shopfront.

Mental Health Learning Guide – developed for the Central North Adelaide Health Service (CNAHS) this learning guide aims to improve the way mental health services work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Respond SA – materials from the original website have been moved to the Elm Place website. The resources include free resources about adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, including videos, tips, reports and a mental health care plan. ‘It’s Not Your Fault’ is a downloadable booklet in which men who have experienced childhood sexual abuse, share stories of survival, hope and healing. Helpful for professionals, family members or friends.

Together4Kids team have written manuals to support professionals who are working with children. These have been written and designed in house.

Conversations at the Kitchen Table Reflective Parenting Handbook

The Garden 8 week Dyad Program Practitioner’s Manual

Video Production

We understand how to produce videos for professionals, clients and the community. We have made high production videos such as expert commentary, panels, lived experience, and scenarios. We use video in our promotion to improve our reach to audiences with a high level of engagement.

Please see some examples of our work.

‘Ella’s Story’ is about experiencing abuse in foster care

Scenario – Jaber & Zahra’s Story

Expert commentary – Mark Murdoch commenting on Jaber & Zahra’s Story

Community health promotion – You are not alone

‘Winning?’ is about the dangers of online sports betting

Dreamin’ of the Big Fish is about getting ‘hooked’ on gambling

To see more of our work, please visit here


We develop and maintain websites for our services and partnership projects. We provided regular reporting about how the website is going and develop marketing strategies to bring more people to the site in line with service or project goals.

Marketing and Communications

Our small, but efficient teams can design a promotional plan to ensure the correct audiences are being reached in a timely and effective way. We use digital marketing strategies and techniques to reach the right people.

Event Management

We provide services in event management. From putting on large scale events to smaller events in South Australia or around Australia, we have organised professional and meaningful events designed to connect and acknowledge the work that has been achieved.

Graphic Design

We understand the importance of visual communication. We are highly skilled and experienced in the community, human services and family services. We understand that imagery is important and we will use a range of images to communicate diversity and inclusivity in the work we create.

Conference presentations

Our staff are highly engaged in the work they do. We are committed to their professional development and growth. Our staff regular present at conferences in Australia and overseas, making a significant contribution to the sector by sharing their evidence-based learning with their peers. For more information about presentations, please visit here.

Get in touch

Please get in touch with our Communications team for further information or to discuss your requirements by emailing

We look forward to supporting your next project!

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