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Student Profile: Hannah Birch

As a new mum living in the country and suffering from a chronic illness, flexibility was a must for Hannah when it came to studying. By working with the Institute to tailor training to meet her needs, Hannah has been able to complete her Certificate IV in Community Services Work and her future looks brighter than ever. Here’s her story… 

What qualification did you study?

Certificate IV in Community Services Work

Why did you decide to study at the Institute?

My sister in-law had told me about the Institute and what they were able to offer me under the Skills for All program. I enjoy working with people and want a career where I’m able to help people so after going through my options, I decided to study the Certificate IV in Community Services Work.

As a student from the Riverland, I wanted to be able to have support with external study but also the opportunity to participate in group sessions. The Institute was able to help me achieve this.

What was your favourite part about studying at the Institute?

My favourite thing about studying at the Institute was that I was able to tailor my learning to be able to complete the course by attending minimal face to face days without missing important information.

How has this study been beneficial for you?

This course has helped me to keep my mind active while being a new mum who suffers from Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Of course my daughter and health are my number one priorities but studying has given me the opportunity to do something for myself and expand my career opportunities. It has boosted my confidence and knowledge and now I’m currently looking for full time or part time work in this field. Without obtaining my certificate this wouldn’t be an option for me.

Would you recommend the Institute to others?

I would recommend the Institute to others. Although I would’ve liked to be able to attend all of the face to face sessions and participate in the in-class discussions, I appreciated the flexibility the Institute offered me so that I could still complete my study without travelling for all of the sessions.