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Cert. III in Community Services Work for VET in Schools to be Offered in 2016

Do you want to be part of building a healthy future for the Community Services and Health industries? Are you interested in obtaining a nationally recognised VET Qualification? The Australian Institute of Social Relations (AISR) is offering a Certificate III in Community Services Work for VET in Schools for year 11 and 12 students in 2016. 

This qualification reflects the role of entry level community services workers who support individuals through the provision of person-centred services. Work may include day-to-day support of individuals in community settings or support the implementation of specific community-based programs.

We will be holding an information session about VET in Schools and our other qualifications and courses on Monday, 30 November from 6-8 pm at 49a Orsmond Street, Hindmarsh. All are welcome to attend, however we encourage you to register for the information session and let us know what your specific interests are to ensure the session meets the needs of those attending.

For further information or to enrol, contact the Australian Institute of Social Relations:
Phone: (08) 8245 8100

November Info Session Flyer

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